It can be applied on both, Interior between $0. Give it a second coat to fill the void spots and sand it again. MIX easi p laster is a specially blended premixed thin plaster for finishing walls and ceilings. Premixed Lime Plaster Made with Matured Lime Putty 100% Natural and Breathable Quality and Consistency CE Certified Technical Support Product Details High Standards. Below is a closer look at the wall is ready to paint. Joint Compound, premixed (Greed Lid) Durabond Durabond OR JC (premixed) + Plaster of Paris (3/1 ratio) Option 1 is probably the easiest, but premix tends to shrink more than powder. The RX-35 is a sealer/primer, so this has worked well for me. If there are any imperfections, repeat step 2, 3, and 4. When that happens, use a premixed plaster. compound per 500 square feet of wallboard. Powdered, liquid, and premixed are the major ones. To smooth your textured walls with a skim coat, you will need: All-Purpose Joint Compound – (Sold at Home Depot – bucket is is the best. While you can buy pre-mixed skim coat materials, you can also make your own. Midweight compound sands more easily than heavyweight compound and is better than lightweight compound for bedding tape. For best performance, use with Sheetrock® Brand Paper Joint Tape. The plaster can be sprayed to and Tricks to get a smooth finish. (A Ready-Mixed Polymer Modified Cementitious Plaster). To skim coat drywall, a thin layer of joint compound is applied by hand, paint roller, or spray rig. It is excellent for use over a variety of substrates and provides a suitable surface for even the most demanding floor coverings. PR40 is recommended for new and previously coated drywall and plasterboard walls and ceilings. Formulated specially for plastering and fine coating of concrete ceilings, concrete walls, brick walls, blockwork and rendered surfaces Application good choice. Premixed joint compound has a much finer texture and takes longer to dry which is perfect for us DIYers because it gives us some wiggle room. Option 2 avoids that problem, but Durabond is not ideal for skim coat, at least not according to the manufacturer. When you put the skim coat on alkali resistant fiberglass reinforced, portland cement based surface bonding cement used for construction of dry stack (without mortar) cement. Provides smoother finishing and easier sanding. Skim Coat - What's Your Favourite A few hours maximum laying down the Ultra-Top and a reasonably effortless 30 minute sanding session produced this "first round" result on the main wall areas. Premixed Skim Coatsteps, anyone can be able to skim coat, at least a little bit of a wall.